Monday, January 5, 2009

A small victory

Well, well ... my "special someone" (aka teacher/guru/anger button-pusher) gave me a beautiful opportunity to practice my skills this afternoon. I bow to her in gratitude.

(See my "Helpful Enemies" post on Nov. 12, 2008 for details on how the people who drive us crazy are actually teachers in disguise -- they help us develop spiritually!)

Luckily, I had a little lead time and was able to compose myself, i.e. calm down/think through a sane course of action before I had to actually confront her in person. That seemed to be the magic key ... the time I needed to calm down, think a bit, and choose the path of peace.

I really, really wanted to do it right this time. And -- glory be! -- I DID do it right. I was calm, my voice was normal, I was not emotional. I was kind, even.

Now the "incident" is over and I'm happy. Relieved. Excited. Totally at peace with how I responded. And yes, proud proud proud of myself! This is a small victory, but a victory just the same.

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